Inkjet print on Cotton Radiant White 270 gr. 12 + 3 E.A.
The work is a print, after a photograph of a detail of my sculpture “(Not) Connecting”, 2008. Thought as homage to the German designer Lilly Reich, the 10 metres long sculpture, made with the full color spectrum of Gutterman’s silk threads, and pulled taught between two wall–mounted brackets, forms a minimalist color study: the solidity of the threads pulled tight transmute the materials – the “limp threads”, as Anni Albers once characterized them – into a vibrant block of color, that in its formal and minimal purity relates to the forms of both modernist painting and architecture. This work brings about a crossover, or perhaps, better, unites – and we must not be afraid of the words – Modernism and Feminism. And this is in itself another redemptive force, given that the main thrust of the modernist movement was almost always through great masculine gestures. Collection by collection, thread by thread, another history is created here, one that is made up of gestures that are invisible and yet which are those that give the structure.
500 € net